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CARD SHEET FOR ADULTS TO PURCHASE FOR WOMEN (first and second page)- Click on these two links for the printable forms of the two sheets below:  Card Sheet for Adults To Purchase For Mothering Women (First Page) Printable  AND    Cards  For Adults To Purchase For Mothering Women (Second Page) Printable                Each card with envelope is $3.00 or a plastic card holder with all cards on this first page and second page (order #AMP1) is $26.00           See bottom of Products page 1 for chart with complete listing of all forms and all card displays with links to these pages.

FORM 10 CARD SHEET FOR MALE (ADULTS) TO PURCHASE FOR WOMEN (SECOND PAGE) (for first page click this link: Card Sheet for Adults to Purchase For Mothering Women ( First Page)View Page ...- Click on this form for printer-friendly view)     Each card with envelope is $3.00 or a plastic card holder with all cards on this first page and second page (order #AMP1) is $26.00