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CARD SHEET FOR WOMEN (ADULTS) TO PURCHASE FOR MEN (FIRST PAGE AND SECOND PAGE) for printable forms click on these two links:  Cards For Adult Women To Buy For Fathering Men (First Page) Printable  AND Cards For Adult Women To Buy For Fathering Men (Second Page) Printable   See bottom of Products page 1 for chart with complete listing of all forms and all card displays with links to these pages.

Each card with envelope is $3.00 OR a plastic card holder with all cards on this first page and second page (order #AFP1) is $26.00 

FORM 12 CARD SHEET FOR ADULTS TO PURCHASE FOR MEN (SECOND PAGE) ...- Click on this form for printer-friendly view)                      Each card with envelope is $3.00 or a plastic card holder with all cards on this first page and second page (order #AFP1) is $26.00